For many people, the cash down payment required to buy a home is a significant hurdle. We lower this barrier by offering down payment assistance loans for home buyers who use our mortgage programs (Home Advantage and House Key).
Down payment Assistance FAQ
How can I get this assistance?
Our down payment assistance is only for home buyers who use our home loan programs, either Home Advantage or Opportunity. If your household income is under the program limits (up to $145,000), your credit score is at least 620, and you’re otherwise qualified for a home loan, you are probably eligible.
How much assistance can I get?
It varies by program, but $10,000 is the average amount for a typical home buyer.
So it’s a loan that I pay back?
Yes. The interest rate is very low, from 0% to 4% depending on the program. It is wrapped into your main home mortgage, so you don’t have two bills to pay. Also, most of our down payment loans are payment deferred—meaning no payment is due until the mortgage is paid off or until you sell, transfer, move out of or refinance the property.
You have a lot of down payment programs. How do I know which one is right for me?
Ask your lender, they have the information to answer your specific question.